Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Parent's Introduction

Funny how time flies. My husband and I have only been parents for a little over a year and already we are searching for colleges with our oldest daughter. The reality of it makes us both happy and sad at the same time. We have had to wrap our brains around the fact that we truly only have her for 3 years. We never got to hear the first cry, see the first smile, change that first stinky(but precious) diaper, nurse or bottle feed her(I will not start crying, I will not start There is so much that we have been trying to pack just in this first year alone. In our own way we created ways to feed her by having her taste all sorts of weird concoctions in the kitchen, I have sat with her and held her while she cried over a ( boy and we saw that genuine smile when she realized that for the first time she would have a room that was her's alone. We have come to realize that you can't take the time you have with your children for granted no matter how old they are.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing about all of the campus adventures!
